Merry Christmas to everyone.
Camille and Wayne
are adjusted
to the empty nest and enjoyed having everyone together at Thanksgiving.
Charles is setting up life in
St. Louis and Andrew is in his
year at UMKC.



Camille continues to work as a
paraprofessional at
School and started
as an inventory specialist in the afternoons for Dan
Grigg Images. You can see
some of her rambunctious 4th graders.
She still loves reading and enjoyed our new swing
the porch. Below you can see
that we had a lot of snow in February.



Wayne had
his annual backpack trip, this year to the
Black Hills. These
were great trails and great weather.
is completing another year at Qwest but has not decided upon retirement
… having too much fun to trade for a new life style.
See the website:
Black Hills 2004


Charles is now living in
St. Louis and
is working for Steris. This is
a company specializing in sterilization products.
He is working as an engineer worrying about
packaging and such. The three
of us had a chance to ride up to the top of the arch last spring.



Andrew is a junior at the
University of
Missouri at
Kansas City.
He is still debating and has traveled to both coasts for
meets. He decided to add philosophy
to economics for a double major.
Over Memorial Day, we all helped him move into a new apartment one
from the
Above he is playing percussion with the "Uprights", a KC
ska band … this was a tribute
concert for Richie, who died last winter. |



Over the 4th of July Wayne and Camille traveled to Red Lodge,
Montana for the Culp
reunion. Julie went on a couple
of hikes with
Marge and Gil, on the left, enjoyed hosting the big
Greg and Alice did much of the cooking and logistics for
the clan. If you have some
time, check out our web page showing our visit:
Family Reunion.

TheRose Chamber Ensemble
falls into the "Getting a Life" category for Wayne. Notice he is
playing the electric bass at a gig at the Durham Western Heritage
Museum. They practice most Tuesdays and get invited to play at
nursing homes and banquets. Just a bunch of adults that can't
leave behind their old music days from high school and college.